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Had enough of stitching in green now

I’m really enjoying the school holidays – no routine, no homework and no uniform to wash and iron.  It’s not only the children who enjoy the holidays 🙂

With my daughter occupied with friends there is still the opportunity to stitch.  I’ve been working on the crop pieces and they are finished.  I’m fed up of stitching in green and I’m moving onto something else.

All of the above pieces have a print of the crop on them in silver.  Silver isn’t the ideal colour to use as it only really shows up in the right light (as you can see from the first and second photos which are of the same piece).  In a moment of madness I decided to stitch the crop in one piece in lighter tones of green than I have been using.  I do like the stitching in lighter colours but it hasn’t photographed well.


I also had a go at colouring the background of some fabric using some watercolour pencils.  I think I prefer this background to the background print of a photograph.  The crop was stitched in 5 minutes, without drawing the crop first.  Again I prefer this stitching to the other pieces.  It was a very random piece and less controlled; I love it and am really pleased at how it’s turned out.

My anxiety level has been a lot higher.  I have self-diagnosed myself with a number of fatal illnesses!  I know I am being extremely irrational but it’s hard work to get my brain to ignore all the wild thoughts buzzing around in it.  They have retreated for now and I hope they don’t re-appear for a while – it’s rather tiring trying to put them in their place.

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